The Crawly – Lizards

Our gecko collection is growing and currently holding seven species, and we hope to add more species overtime.
In New Zealand we have a large variety in gecko and skink species and it is our aim to not only show some of the species but also to inform you about their habitat, habits and diet.

Come and check out these amazing creatures!

Marlborough Green Gecko

marlborough green gecko

Marlborough Green Geckos are beautiful bright green lizards, with golden star-like markings perfect for hiding among the lush green New Zealand bush. Sadly, this species, which lives only in the Marlborough region,  is considered “in decline” by the Department of Conservation.

Fascinating facts

Marlborough Green Geckos live primarily in shrubs and trees and can live upwards of 30 years in captivity. They like to eat insects including flies, beetles and moths, and also enjoy nectar/honeydew.
Like all other New Zealand geckos, they give birth to one or two live young in autumn. This is unusual, as most geckos around the world lay eggs.
Marlborough Green Geckos use their tails as a climbing aid, and are active during the day.
Male geckos can be quite aggressive towards each other when competing for a mate. They will open their mouths wide, lunge, bite and even make a barking sound.

Source: New Zealand Herpetological Society


Native Wildlife Centre
027 448 3447